Into the Book - Laws of The Game - Law 4

This series by CRO will dive into the IFAB Laws of The Game to cover all 17 Laws that IFAB has for soccer. We’re going to cover them in a way that simplifies them and gives you a chance to learn the laws and what we find important in each Law. While we expect referees to read through the full laws we know that sometimes understanding them and how to apply them on your own is difficult. We will tell go through how to implement certain parts of the Laws and where certain Laws can be adapted to for local Youth and Adult Leagues and Events. We hope this series helps you easily learn the Laws one week at a time while we take a deep dive Into The Book with us.

Law 4 - The Players Equipment

Player Safety

Safety is the first focus of Law 4 and is the primary responsibility of the referee team. Players are not allowed to wear that are unsafe such as Jewelry. These items CANNOT be covered by tape or other items.

  • Neecklaces

  • Rings

  • Bracelets

  • Earrings

  • Bands around the wrist

Why is covering bands or earrings with tape not okay?

First, the Laws of the Game say it, we are responsible for enforcing it.

Second, just because a hard piece of jewelry, a watch or a sharpe earring are covered doesn’t change that they can hurt someone. If someone gets hurt because of this, you as the referee are potentially liable because you did not make the player take them off.

Take the extra time to check players in and ensure they have all jewelry off.

If a player is seen in the match wearing an unauthorized item the referee must have them remove the item. If they do not, at the next stoppage the player must leave the field. They do not have to be substituted for.


If they refuse to leave the field to fix the item or are seen again with the item the player MUST be cautioned.

Items that MUST be worn by players

  • Shirt WITH Sleeves

  • Shorts

  • Socks - Tape or any material applied or worn externally must be the same color as that part of the sock it is applied to or covers

  • Shinguards – these must be made of a suitable material to provide reasonable protection and covered by the socks

  • Footwear

  • Goal Keepers may wear tracksuit bottoms

Team Uniform Colors

Each team must wear colors that distinguish them from each other and the referee crew

Goal Keepers must wear colors that distinguish them from other players. If both Goal Keepers wear the same color shirt and neither has another, the referee should allow the game to be played

Items that are allowed

  • Head Covers

    • Must be black or the same color as the shirt

    • Be professional in appearance

    • NOT attached to the shirt

    • Cannot be dangerous to the player wearing it or other players

  • Players can wear Electronic Performance and Tracking Systems

    • Electronic Communication Equipment is not permitted for players

The Referee Crew is responsible for making sure everything in Law 4 is taken care of. Don’t skip this important pregame step. Allowing these things to be overlooked or thinking they are ‘minor’ issues creates a safety issue and will make the next game the two teams play in harder for your fellow referees who enforce it.

Remember, the Laws of the Game are detailed and have much more information than we have put into this section. We put this here so referees can get a quick view of what we see as the highlights of the Law. We recommend referees fully review the LOTG to know the them best -


Into the Book - Laws of The Game - Law 5


Into the Book - Laws of The Game - Law 3